Personal Branding

Personal branding photography is the art of using high-quality images to tell the story of your brand. Using photos to market and advertise your brand not only positions you as an expert in your field but it gives your clients and audience a more authentic brand experience. Whether you’re a coach, online entrepreneur, influencer or speaker, beautiful, professional photography can really take your branding to the next level.

We would love the opportunity to assist you with your personal branding photography by offering you a professional, customized photo session that brings every aspect of your brand to life. Not only will we help you create a visual version of your personal branding strategy and message but we’ll also create a photo experience that will leave you feeling great. Your brand photography will draw clients in and give them a reason to choose you. We look forward to working with you and bringing your vision to life.

How a Personal Branding Session is different than a Headshot session?

Personal branding photography is a relatively new aspect of visual branding, with savvy business owners jumping on board to take their branding to the next level. A personal branding photography session differs from a typical headshot/portrait session in several ways.

With headshots, the focus is simply you, usually shot from the waist up. Headshots are incorporated into personal branding sessions, but we don’t stop there.

We delve deep into not just who you are visually but telling the story of what you do and why you do it via detail shots, lifestyle shots, photos of you in action, you with your products, etc. The possibilities are endless and each session is customized to best reflect the type of business you run and the message you wish to convey about your brand through images.

These sessions are more customized than a headshot session, so there are lots of factors to consider including the location(s), outfits, branding colors your brand messaging, etc. Therefore, our pre-shoot experience will be more involved and in-depth in the pre-planning stages. We help you decide how to best translate your brand into images that you can use on social media, your website, and in advertising. Each brand is different and each session is personalized.

These sessions also differ from our regular sessions in that we include the digital files. You will end up investing more into this type of session than you would with a headshot session, simply because you’re getting a wider variety of images and more time spent with planning, consulting, and finally, shooting. With these images the end goal is to help you be more profitable in your business, so think of these images as a true investment in your brand.



You should consider a personal branding session:

      • If you own any kind of business.
      • If you are the face of your brand and it is important for people to connect with you.
      • If you wish to take your business to the next level by stepping up your visual branding.
      • If you want your ads to look fresh, polished, and professional.

How It Works


It’s always best to book your photo session in advance, especially if you are working towards a specific deadline. It’s also important to take the time required for photo selection and editing into account when booking your personal branding session.


Once you’ve set a date for your photo session, we can begin brainstorming ideas. The photos from your personal branding session are very multi-purpose. They can be used for your website, promotional materials, blogs, ads, social media, headers, banners, and more. That’s why planning and analyzing are so important.

Knowing where and how you want to use your images will help us understand whether you’ll require vertical, horizontal, or square images for Instagram. If you will want to use text across any of your images, please let us know so that we can plan the image backgrounds accordingly.


We ask that you come up with a brief but detailed description of your brand and what it stands for so that we can find ways to bring this across in your images. If there are specific colors that you would like to incorporate, please let us know.

Our goal is to paint the perfect picture of what it is you do, and what sets you apart from your competition. These images will provide an important glimpse into what it would be like to work with you.


Confirm any hair and makeup appointments and confirm the address one week prior to your session. If you will be coloring your hair, this is the time to do it. The day before your session we ask that you prepare your outfits, ensuring that they’re steamed, pressed, and on hangers. This is also a good time to select any props you may want to include.

If you want to look great in your photos, make sure you are well hydrated on the day prior, and be sure to go to bed early so you will look and feel well-rested.


Now it’s all about relaxing and enjoying the experience. We will direct you on how to pose and ensure you get the best possible shots. We’ll take a mix of lifestyle images and headshots to give your audience a better view of what you do on a daily basis. We’ll also take some behind-the-scenes shots for a more personal view of what it’s like to work with you.


After the shoot we will spend time sorting through all of the photos, deleting any photos that didn’t work out. Once we’ve done this we will send you the proofs to review. The proofs will not have been edited so these ones won’t be the final images. We will get rid of any small imperfections and ensure that the color looks amazing. If there you have any specific editing requests, please let us know.


While our packages do come with a specific number of images, there is always the option to purchase additional shots if you would like to use extra photos. It’s best to choose a good mix of images so that you have a little bit of everything available to you. We are always happy to assist you with this process if need be.


Social Media promotions through shout-outs are available for FB, IG, and website for clients.

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